Tuesday, April 20, 2010


“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it.”
-Margaret Thatcher

Im up with coffee made sitting in bed with the covers wrapped all around me... Now I get the whole snuggie idea.

This coffee is unusually satisfying this morning. Warm and relaxing like the woods...

Sent off some packages and now on my way downtown. Only an hour ahead of schedule. I need to time this better.

Found a good pre-schooltime reading spot.

Studio not open yet so I was invited to a yarn store up stairs.
"but you can come to my yarn store if you like.."
"um .....ok..!!"
So colorful...?!

Talked with... Forgot her name already... But she's an intern here too. From Florida. So now there's a producer and an... 'art director'...? intern.

is her name...!

Awkward time... Standing around while I wait for Neil to get his stuff together and we start taking equipment down stairs.

Listening to them in the other room griping about how Neil sent out emails and none of the other interns replied. Even talking trash about Shelly (the girl sitting in the car outside) and her excuses (second person today to gripe her out while she's not around).
"I sent out five emails and the kid who's been here one day is the only one who responded?! And within an hour...! And they all have iPhones!!?!"

We packed the car full. Only room for one person to ride. Of course I let the girl go. He gave me subway directions but I said i was just gonna wait until they weren't looking and fly.

On set.

Set up. Just waiting for the actress to get here.

Still on set. Still waiting.

Jokes are happening.*

About to roll.

". . . . So he went up on stage and, looking at his note cards, said, '..sorry, but miss Frances can't be here today because she's 111 years old..!' and every body clapped and cheered and then he looked at his notecards again and said, 'oh, I'm sorry. She's ill.'"

. . . Probly better if you HEAR it.....

I feel bad for the director/writer/actor... "The catering has arrived and we still haven't shot one damn shot."


Just showed the key grip the 'rocketship knucks'. He thought it was incredible. like I made up a new language.
"yeah.. my twelve year old brother taught me that. let me show you "the snail.""

We set up and right before we started shooting we got kicked out of the gym.

Done. Wrapped. Packed. Heading home.

Home. Cleaned. And ready to relax.

The end.

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