Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Listening to: Starf*cker - "Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second"

Getting dressed in the hall.
Gonna go sledding today!

Noreen and I meet Allye and Dan for brunch.

"Yeah, the Gossip Girl guys are so... Good looking. They're too pretty. Not our type."
"That's why we like you guys."

I like buying people brunch.
I like pretending I'm rich.

Getting ready to go sledding..!!!
Listening to vanilla Ice, "GO NINJA! GO NINJA! GO!"
Allye to Dan (while trying to break dance in her little apartment): "ok. I'm gonna do two steps and then do a hand stand and throw my feet up and you have to catch em. Ready...."

3:11pm - 4:09pm-


-First time Noreen goes down the hill on her own: we yell "Watch out!! Watch outt!!" But they don't and she hits someones legs and knocks her off her feet...!
We do our best to hide our laughter.

-Coold hands..

-Found a ramp some kids made. We all take turns and get in line!


-Get tackled in the snow.
I knew this was gonna happen at some point..!

In my pants.
In my gloves.
In my hat.

"Can't have your cake and eat it too."
I understand that now.
What a terribly depressing statement.

I once heard the question,
"would you rather be in love with someone, or have someone be in love with you?"
I never knew what the answer to that was.
But now I think.... who cares about someone loving you if you cant return that love..

Made some egg rolls for shay and I.

Made a pizza to split with shay.

Shay and I are watching a movie with Elijah Wood.
He starts saying things Frodo would say.
"Oh no... I love this Jewelry...?!"
Hahaha!! We couldn't stop laughing!!

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