Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Reading: Touching the Void -
Listening to : "When I'm Alone" by The Rifles (Pandora)

I like that I can wake up late to a text that my boss woke up late.

"have a good day.
Be amazing."
Somehow encouraging.

I'm really working on having a good handle on my time.
And time is such a hard thing to control. But it's going well. I feel like I'm doing alright so far.

Heading home. Just realized I don't have keys to my apartment..

Forgot Sherrie was only 20.
And not good at sneaking.

Austin directing Seans pose-
"More 'Jack Nickleson'... Ok.. Less."

Talking to lame people for so long really makes me miss my not lame friends.

Maybe a word of insight should be here at the bottom of each entry. Or somewhere... Or maybe just be recorded like everything else at the time that i think it..
I don't have time to find great quotes anymore, but sometimes I feel like there's more to be said about a day then the clips I've recorded..
So I can know that at 2:30 I was greatly appreciating the friends I have, and realizing, for real, how important being able to talk to a person is.
To be able to stand, and even ENJOY, their conversation.
A pretty face doesn't do much good when you're so bored you can barely keep you're eyes open.

I hope she doesn't take it the wrong way, but I mostly just want to sleep in my own bed....

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