Friday, February 11, 2011



David Cronenberg film - "Scanners"

Doing voice over work with tim for the scanners tribute short we made because the camera messed up (he messed up) and audio didn't record.

Left the studio.
Austin and matt have been talking in the office all day.
Then Austin and I had a short talk about what they were talking about:

Pretty much, we were offered a job as essentially a desk person for the studio. To do what we pretty much do now except with pay. Only, we'd have to be at the studio EVERY DAY to do it. So we wouldnt be able to do shoots and other things like that.
Matt made it clear with Austin, who made it clear to me, that this is not recommended.

The other thing was:
Tim was moving. He would still have his office at Red Line, but would be there much less and was looking to rent it out.
First offer goes to Austin and I.
$300 a month.
$150 each.
We would have full access to all the hardware and software that Tim has (which is a lot) plus the Red Line gear (light + grip), we would still be a part of Red Line and have first dibs on jobs that they did, aaand be able to move about freely, not having to come in at certain times each day, but rather whenever we wanted to.

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