Tuesday, March 30, 2010


“Success is the progressive realization of worthwhile, predetermined, personal goals.”
-Paul J. Meyer

I'm already up with coffee in hand.
I want to make a habit of calling at least one person of importance every day.

A broker from UBS called ME...?!

Standing outside in a doorway (cause it's raining) waiting to go inside and meet these people.

Just stepped out of the Red Line Studio interview. Everyone there seemed really nice and laid back. Good relaxed vibe.
I was my normal easy-to-get-along-with self, medium charm, maybe too professional, but good as far as easy going. Hopefully they liked me.

I used to wonder what the nice/appropriate way to ask if you could help someone was, then a few weeks ago I heard someone say "may I offer you my help?".
I finally got to say that and help carry a baby (in a stroller) up some stairs.
[note to self: this particular subway station has TWO sets of stairs. Next time maybe stick around and help on BOTH.)

I WAS gonna mail a bunch of things from this place and give them a lot of money, but then they kicked me out into the rain cause I had to make a phone call.
When the lady started snapping at me and saying 'no phones!' instead of stepping outside I wish I woulda said something like "shh shh... Quiet down lady. I'm on the phone." She would have liked that.
Dumb hippies.

Cold and rainy outside... Perfect for sitting on the couch watching movies and eating chicken noodle soup next to the window.
So that's what I'm doing.

Today I talked to my house finding people, my school administrator, my mom, the broker who called earlier and Meg. AND I called Jessi earlier. I've talked to so many people today!!

The cat, Lola, has been especially mischievous today. So I made a list of rules for her.

And taped it to the fridge and told her to look them over, memorize them and follow them.

Just woke up.
I guess that means at some point i fell asleep..

Spaghettios, heroes and now back to bed. For real this time.

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